quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2012

Richard Wilson

Criado para a Bienal de Liverpool de 2007 por Richard Wilson. O título é "Turning the Place Over"
Described by Liverpool Biennial organisers as his "most radical intervention into architecture to date", Wilson cut an 8-metre diameter disc from the walls and windows of the building, and attached it to a motor which literally turned this section of the building inside out, in a cycle lasting just over two minutes. It was switched off in 2011

Hobo Clown with Bucket (e detalhes)


Fabric Sculpture

Zac Freeman Portraits


quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2012

terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2012


Sus primeras obras eran de estilo expresionista abstracto, pero después de 1957 comenzó a experimentar con imágenes tomadas de los cómics que había en los papeles de envolver chicles, libremente interpretadas y mezcladas con imágenes sacadas de los cuadros del Viejo Oeste de otro artista estadounidense, Frederic Remington. A partir de 1961 se dedicó por completo a producir arte mediante imágenes comerciales de producción masiva.


Lichtenstein's Bedroom at Arles         (1992)


Group 5 Racing Version of BMW 320i, painted in 1977

Currículo Criativo

Video com a notícia no link abaixo:

domingo, 25 de novembro de 2012

John Chamberlain

Is best known for creating sculptures from old automobiles (or parts of) that bring the Abstract Expressionist style of painting into three dimensions. Galvanized steel, then with mineral-coated Plexiglas, aluminum foil. Rolled, folded, and tied urethane foam. In Sarasota, Florida, worked on a much grander scale, more volumetric, compact configurations, often aligned on a vertical axis. Chamberlain also made abstract colour paintings from 1963, and from 1967 he made several films, such as "Wide Point" (1968) and “The Secret Life of Hernando Cortez,” filmed in Mexico with Warhol regulars Taylor Mead and Ultra Violet. In the last decade of his life, the artist expanded his work to large-format photographs.