quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2012

Mais um exemplo de Meios Tranversais da Pintura

Waves installation by Daniel Palacios

     "(...) a space has a way of relating with sound, understanding sound as a series of compressions and decompressions which move through the air, so that the geometry of the space itself and the elements in it will influence the movements of the sound and finally our perception of the sound;" - excerto de synopsis em http://danielpalacios.info/en/waves

     Parece uma representação gráfica mas eis o segredo da tecnologia: 
"Tangibly, the installation is made up of two turbines, supported by a tuning fork structure between which the waves are created."

     E sobre a dimensão de artista neste actual campo transversal da Pintura:
"I wouldn’t say of myself that I am a graphic or industrial designer, neither a photographer nor a filmmaker. I’m not a carpenter, I’m not a sculptor and of course I’m neither a programmer nor an electronics engineer
I think a lot, I try to (...) to understand better my environment  (...).So yes, I guess that I am an artist."

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Daniel Palacios (Cordoba, Spain. 1981).
Educated in sciences and graduated with a degree in Fine Arts, later earned Masters degrees in ‘Art and Technology’ and ‘Art in the Public Sphere’.

biografia completa do artista: http://danielpalacios.info/en/about

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